Early Seasonal Greetings to you, we are away from the computer from 5th Dec until just before Xmas, hence the early good wishes.
What an extremely busy year that is coming to an end, thank you for all your support and friendship.
At least I have managed to wrap up all my Xmas presents, slightly more organised than last year.
The last of the Xmas creations have been put onto the web site and have been adopted, so now it is a case of getting ready for a well deserved break with Grumps.
Thanks for all the lovely emails about Jake our grandson, he is doing fine.
Lastly, from myself and Grumps, ( Keith ), may I say a heartfelt thankyou for all you support over the past year, and wish you all a Beary Merry Xmas and a peaceful and Happy New Year for 2009.
Bearst wishes
Maureen and Grumps
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