Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hugglets Bearfest Feb 23rd Kensington, London

Our friend Jena gave us the best laugh of the day, he said that his shoes, pictured above, also came in a camouflage version, try working that one out....

Myself and Keith had a walk around Harrods whilst in London, this handmade Easter Egg was just a little to much for Keith to treat me to,  £1149 .
Thank you to everyone who supported me at Hugglets, you are very kind, and I am so pleased some of my creations have now found new homes, both in the UK and overseas.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hugglets 23rd Feb 2014, Kensington, London

I am so pleased, I have been given a table to exhibit because of a cancellation.
Hall 1 table 60.
If you are going please come and say hello.
This is a different table location to where we normally are, but really looking forward to the show.
Bearst wishes