Hi all
We have all been there, I had to go to the dentist and the torture was not only in the dentists chair, my how expensive things are nowadays, for 2 crowns, the bill, just short of £1000.
My do I have to be careful what I eat now, no hard toffee for me, but cream cakes are fine, LOL.
I have also been trying to get some creations ready for my big show in London in Sept, also trying to keep the web site ticking over.
Our garden has really suffered from a lack of water, it has rained all around us, but we have missed out, it has been such a shame for the plants.
So glad that July has now passed and looking forward to a better August.
At least our hedgehog, Horace , has been visiting us every night for his food, sometimes bringing friends with him, well we think he is a he, to prickly to pick up and have a look......
Enough of my moans and groans, back to making a new creation for the web site.