Long time no blog, but a good reason, we have just been to Las Vegas, a place you either love or hate, I love it.
The holiday started off terribly, we had booked our seats with Virgin Atlantic 6 months ago, only to arrive at the check in desk to be told they had been given to someone else, we were very upset with all the hassle and were given the quote of the year from the Virgin person dealing with us, "no point asking for a supervisor, as they will say exactly what what I have said" , so what is the point of having supervisors. Mr Branson would be proud of this, I am sure, but I doubt that he ever hears about these problems We were also lied to about where our new seats were. All of this and we have been Virgin Flying club members for years.
We have flown numerous times with Virgin, but now realise not to believe what has been said to you, and confirmed. so be aware....... and beware........
When we got to Vegas it was like walking around with a hairdryer on full blast, the temperatures, into the 100 for a number of days, far to hot for myself and Keith.
I have wanted to see The Lion King for years, and luckily it has just opened in Vegas, so we went and saw it at The Mandalay Bay, what a great show, well worth the wait. Yes we went again to see our favoutite show, Phantom, blown away with it, as usual.
The heat got to Keith who struggled all the time we were there with a terrible cough and throat infection, so we were very upset not to be able to meet our friends Maurine and Al.
Now it is back to work, but trying to get over the jetlag first, so it has been some gardening and the bear making will start tomorrow.
Keith has started the computer work, but also trying to get over the jetlag.